Part 2 of our "Lose Weight" series describes a few more behaviors you can employ to shed some pounds.
Let me know if any of these recommendations work for you!
And I'm not talking about the gym (although a CrossFit Program will definitely help you lose weight 💪).
Take simple measures to incorporate more movement into your day.
My father used to say, "Joe, don't just shovel it in. Slow down! Chew your food!". I still hear those words when I start eating 😂.
But let's review the idea of "being present" using another activity: handling a firearm.
You handle a firearm with respect. Every detail is mapped out from how you remove it from its case, how it's cleaned, loaded, the procedure for aiming, the cadence of your breathing, and eventually how you pull the trigger. A sequence of events that require the utmost attentiveness and full alertness. You remove all distractions.
When we apply those same techniques at the dinner table, we call it Mindful Eating. Some examples:
Some "back of the napkin math". Boring! I agree, but worth a quick glance.
Summary - If you're going to drink, make better choices. I'm a beer lover but beer is loaded with carbs (starches and sugar from unfermented grain).
A single Margarita may have 300 calories (🤯💥). A better choice? Try vodka and seltzer water with some lime. Unimaginative? Yes. Boring? You bet. But if you're just trying to catch a buzz or be social, it is the better, less-caloric option (around 125 cals).
Please don't drink and drive!
I really hope you find these behavioral tips and suggestions useful.
Just keep stacking these little positive recommendations together. Low calorie drinks, mindfulness, more physical activity, and all the tips from last article (Part 1). Small, incremental changes will lead to big rewards in the long run. At least one more of these articles in our "Tips for Losing Weight" series. Stay tuned! 😁
Quick Reference:
Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram
Protein: 4 calories per gram
Fat: 9 calories per gram
Alcohol: 7 calories per gram
I'm Coach Joe Marcavage. I've owned CrossFit Vertex since it opened in 2012 and I've been working on my own health and fitness for over 30 years. Let's get together to discuss your biggest weight loss barriers.
Joe's Schedule.
Joe Marcavage
Owner, CrossFit Vertex
Book your free intro today to see how we can help you reach your fitness goals.
Quick Links
6–7 AM, 9–10 AM, 12:15–1:15 PM, 4–7:30 PM
Tuesday - Thursday
6–7 AM, 9–10 AM, 12:15–1:15 PM, 4–8 PM
6–7 AM, 9–10 AM, 12:15–1:15 PM, 4–6:30 PM
9 AM–1:00 PM
8–9 AM, 11 AM–12:30 PM
943 Underwood Rd, Olyphant, PA 18447, United States of America
(gym located just outside Scranton, PA)