CFV WOD 7/17/2014

12 Days of Christmas
Start with 1 (the first day of Christmas aka 1 burpee aka partridge in a pear tree) and work your way to day 12 (500 meter row…no, you don’t have to do 12 of them) As you work your way through the days don’t forget to go back and complete each day before just like the song goes…ex) 1 burpee…..2 push press + 1 burpee…..3 front squat + 2 push press + 1 burpee…etc

1 burpee
2 push press (95/65)*
3 front squat *
4 hang power clean *
5 deadlift *
6 box jump 20″
7 pull up
8 push up
9 sit up
10 air squat
11 kb swings (53/35)
12 500 m row

CFV WOD 7/16/2014


Squat Clean Thruster 3RM


For Time:

75 Wall Ball 20/14lb @10′
*every time you drop the ball 200 meter sprint to buy it back (place drop count in comments)
**10 Minute Cap


CFV WOD 7/15/2014


4 Rounds;
Complete as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of:
20 Pistol Squats (10L/10R)
15 1-Ring Ring Row
20 Situps
1 Minute Rest

*Score will be total full rounds plus any additional reps


60 V-Twists (L+R=1) 35/25lb plate

CFV WOD 7/14/2014


For Time:

2K Meter Row
300 Double Unders
200 Air Squats
100 Kettle Bell Swings 16/12kg
50 Turkish Getups 16/12kg (25L/25R)
*Athletes choose rep scheme, may be broken up any way they choose until entire workload is complete.

CFV WOD 7/11/2014


“Boat Race”

3 Rounds For Time;

500 Meter Row

400 Meter Run

*Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Cash Out;

100 Toes To Ring

CFV WOD 7/10/2014



5 Rounds, each for time of:
5 Power Cleans, 135/95
10 Front Squats, 135/95
5 Jerks, 135/95
20 Pull-ups
Rest 90 Seconds

CFV WOD 7/9/2014


Split Jerk : 1RM


Death by Dreya Roll Broad Jump 6’/4′
*complete 1 rep at the start of the clock, add one rep at the top of every minute until you can no longer complete the reps required within the minute

CFV WOD 7/8/2014


20 Sec of Work, 10 Sec of Rest:
8 Cycles of Ring Pushups
8 Cycles of Jumping Air Squat
21, 15, 9 of
Pull Ups

*Subtract 1 second from the time it took to complete 21, 15, 9 for every 5 reps completed in tabata.

CFV WOD 7/7/2014


‘Fight Gone Bad’

3 Rounds For Reps:

1 Min Wall Ball 20/14@10′

1 Min SDLHP 75/55lb

1 Min Box Jump 20″

1 Min Push Press 75/55lb

1 Min Calorie Row

1 Min Rest

Compare to your performance on 2/6/2014